Content of Site Being Moved

The Content of Site Being Moved to Balance and Meaning

Sunday, March 21, 2010

When a Crisis is Not Worse

I tripped on a step on the 18th and ended up with a fractured hand. I am now waiting for surgery on the 26th. It will be expensive and inconvenient for me and my family. My one-year old is not walking so is carried a lot and is heavy. Although it is frustrating and painful that this occurred, I know it could have been worse.

I'm grateful I wasn't holding my baby and it was my left hand - I am right-handed. It also would be more challenging if I hurt a foot or leg. I could be a single mom and not have the help of my spouse. My son could be younger and less able to help.

I will have to take each day as it comes in terms of pain management and caring for my child. Maybe I will become a more patient person and learn the value of slowing down, which could have prevented this crisis.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The US

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to immigrate to the US as a child and being able to grow up here. I appreciate the independence women have to be and do anything they want in the US, which has historically been increasing.

Although I appreciate my heritage of being from India, I feel my life specifically would have been limited had I not come here. I am glad for the increasing independence many females have been experiencing in bigger cities in India. That just would not have included me.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Out-pouring of global support for Haiti

It has been moving how giving and promptly supportive many around the world have been for Haiti. It has also been nice to see how technology has been used beneficially, with meaning and purpose.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Wonderful Husband

Although I don't always see him as perfect (or myself), I am so glad to have my wonderful husband in my life! It is great (not always) to have someone who reflects me and is my companion through the journey of life.

My Super Son

I'm so grateful for my son. He has brought me so much joy, watching him grow and mature into a preteen. It is exciting to see his developments. I wondered when he was an infant, what he would look like at his current age and what he would be like. I am a very proud mama!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Healthy Daughter

I feel so lucky and fortunate to have such an adorable, healthy baby girl. I had some doubts and fears during pregnancy that were unfounded. The whole process of pregnancy and childbirth is so fascinating and miraculous, it prompts a stronger belief in God and reinforces my spirituality.

Welcome to "What I am Joyful For"

I believe that to be truly happy, one must exercise gratefulness and joyfulness as much as possible. Along those lines, I consciously try to look for what I am grateful for. Normally, that leads to joy, happiness and contentment. It becomes about seeing and noticing only that which leads to these consequences.

This topic is a great one to start the new year off with, and I hope you will join me in sharing what you are joyful about about. I hope that by reading what I am joyful about, you will be inspired to look for the same in your life.

Happy 2010!